XComms Direct Desktop Alert Software For Improved Employee Internal Communications © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Whether companies would like to share updates with their employee base from their own corporate newsfeed or leverage 3rd party information sources, XComms offers solutions that allows for the delivery of regularly changing content that always be delivered at pre-determined times and via the most appropriate alert channel.
RSS newsfeeds can be targeted to individuals, departments, custom groups, locations, divisions or even broadcast to the entire organization. RSS newsfeed alerts can also be sent as an email.
And as with all alerts, RSS newsfeeds can be previewed by administrators before ultimately being delivered to employee screens.
Learn more about the RSS Newsfeed option by contacting XComms for more information.
(855) 323 – 9663
Or Click here to contact online.
Keep employees up to date with newsfeed information
Employee Notification Tools
* Fully Branded Alerts * Locally Hosted * No Mandatory Recurring Fees * No Server Licensing Fees* Pop Up And Ticker Included*